miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018

Speeches 4th year Marina Mayor

Delfina, Candela and Lucia

Speeches 4th year Marina Mayor

Connections, conspiracy or just coincidence

Members: Martin, Vicky and Sol.
Course: 4C

Are nature and the world where we live governed by a mathematical order? Are they the product of chance? Or both things? There are a series of numbers that appear and reappear in the order of things through the universe that we know. Nature, Architecture, Music, Art, Human body. Do they follow some sort of rules or are they just random? Today we are going to analyze one sequence of numbers which received the name of Fibonacci Sequence. This will help us to understand ourselves and everything that surrounds us.

Now we are going to talk about two main points: The Calculation and the application of this magic numbers. From the standpoint of calculation is easy to understand: as
1 + 1 is 2, 1 + 2 is 3, 2 + 3 is 5, 3 + 5 is 8, 5 + 8 is 13, 8 + 13 is 21 and so on.
Talking about applications, Fibonacci numbers appear surprisingly often. The reproduction of bunnies is a typical example of this sequence.
So, first, we have to imagine that these rabbits always produce one male and one female offspring, that they can reproduce once every month when they are least one month old and hey never die. At the beginning of the first month these newborns are too young to reproduce so we begin the second month with the same pair. In the third month, the pair is mature enough to have a new pair. So, at the beginning of the fourth month we have a total of three pairs of rabbits and in the fifth month, there are five pairs of rabbits.
At this point we could explain to you the theory behind this theme but what we really want is for you to known the essential parts and one of them is the golden ratio. Also known as phi, the divine proportion, is nature perfect proportion for bringing parts together. It is manifested as the ratio 1.618 to 1.0 in the golden rectangle, the golden spiral and star, and in the ratio between the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence. Remember this number 1,618 because is the connection of all the thing that surrounds us. The golden ratio not only has to do with math but with life, to the spirals of galaxies to hurricane, ocean, waves, flower petals and even shells. It is the pattern of life.
Previously, I told you that this number is manifested in the golden rectangle. This means that when you divide two consecutive numbers of the sequence you get a number around 1,618 and the key to explain that this rectangle’s proportions are: side a divided by side b is equal 1,618. These proportions can be found in our credit cards, in the parthenon and in the Mona Lisa.
But this doesn’t just end here, the proportions of our bodies, beauty, ancient structures, music that goes all the way from Mozart's symphonies up to The Beatles and the greatest video of all time Michael Jackson “Thriller”. Can you believe it? Everything that surrounds us has a reason why bigger than we can ever imagine.
Although it seems too amazing to be true these connections are in every single corner of Nature. One clear example of this phenomenon is that the number of petals of a flower are usually a number of the Fibonacci sequence. Awesome right? On the other hand, we have the shells that are not only the home of multiple snails and some pretty souvenirs that we take from the beach but they are also a famous example used to explain this sequence. From the animals to the ocean, waves have been mathematically proved and diagrammed into a plot of the numbers 1,1,2,3,5 and so on. Even in our bones, we can find this mathematical theory, just by looking at your fingers we can find some symmetric properties. It’s all about looking carefully.

For many people, maths is only about abstract things and random numbers with no purpose at all, well or just to kill us from boredom. But we really need to start looking at the bigger picture. Trust us, we have been in the same position and now we realize that this silly topic is literally the connection that we have towards the world. So, we are just wondering… What are you thinking right now and what are you willing to do with all the knowledge as overwhelming as it may be which is the key of the balance, beauty, and harmony of everything we know.

Speeches 4th year Marina Mayor

4th C
The logic of love
Introduction:  personal and audience reference 
Most of us have fallen in love and felt a storm of feelings and butterflies in our stomach, so we may deduce that human emotions aren´t ordered in a rational, easy or predictable way. But the thing is that math has something to offer us because, love, as many things in life, is full of patterns and mathematics is all about the study of patterns. Let’s say patterns to predict the weather, patterns to explain the movement of the planets or patterns to predict the growth of cities, and being honest, none of those things are exactly ordered or easily predictable, either. The truth is that mathematics is so powerful that it has the potential to offer us a new way of looking at almost anything, even at something as mysterious as love. Nevertheless, if you find it hard to believe how totally, amazing and excellent mathematic is, you may consider the following top three mathematical tips for love.
Body of the speech: topical order 
Tip number one: “how to win at online dating”. Most of online dating websites have been created by mathematicians. These people have been collecting data on everybody who uses their site for almost a decade and they've been trying to search for patterns in the way that we talk about ourselves and the way that we interact with each other. As a result they've come up with some seriously interesting findings. For example it turns out that on an online dating website, how attractive you are does not dictate how popular you are, and actually, having people think that you're ugly can work to your advantage. To understand this better, on dating websites you are allowed to rate how attractive you think people are. Despite most people would think that the more attractive you are, the more messages you get, it is not true. Based on data, people that were rated low marks were even more popular than people who were rated higher. The interest thing here is that most people when choosing pictures to use on an online dating website, often try to minimize those features some people will find unattractive. But actually this is the other way about. Instead you should play up to whatever it is that makes you different, no matter what the other think of it.
Tip number 2: “how to pick the perfect partner”. Generally it is not advisable to just marry the first person who comes along in our life. But at the same time don't really want to leave it too long if we want to enjoy a long-term happiness with your husband to be. So the question is, how do we know when the right time to settle down is, taking on account all the people we have been dating in your lifetime? Fortunately there's a rather bit of mathematics that can be used to help us, called “optimal stopping theory”. Let´s imagine then that you start dating when you're 15 and you'd like to be married by the time you're 35. There’s a number of people you could date across your lifetime, and they'll be at varying levels of goodness. Now it is supposed that once you cash in and get married, you can't look ahead to see what you could have had and change your mind. So to avoid this the math says that you should reject the first 37% of your dating as serious marriage potential. And then, you should pick the next person that comes along. If you do this, it is mathematically proven that you will maximize your chances of finding your partner in life.  
Last but not least tip, tip number 3: “how to avoid divorce”. It is a fact that that approx. one in two marriages ends up in divorce. To see why this happens a psychologist called John Gottman observed couples having a conversation and recorded almost everything: what it was said in the conversation, their facial expressions, their heart rates, their blood pressure, among other important indicators. What Gottman and his team found as one of the most important predictors to know if a couple will get divorced or not, was how positive or negative each partner showed himself in the conversation. Couples that had very low-risk of splitting, scored more positive than negative points on Gottman's scale. Whereas bad relationships on the point of divorce, found themselves getting into a spiral of negativity. By using these ideas, they were able to predict whether a couple was going to get divorced or not with a 90 percent of accuracy. 
But when Gottman teamed up with a mathematician called James Murray, both started to understand what causes these negativity spirals and how they occur. They create an equation where they project how the wife or husband is going to respond in their next turn of the conversation and how positive or negative they're going to be. These equations depend on the mood of the person when they're on their own, or when they’re with their partner, but most important, they depend on how much the husband and wife influence on one another. The really important point in this equation is the influence in this equation that people have on one another.  
Although you might think the opposite way, the mathematics and the subsequent findings by the team, have shown that the most successful couples are the ones who don't let anything go unnoticed and allow each other some room to complain. These are the couples that are continually trying to repair their own relationship, having a much more positive outlook on their marriage. 
    Now you know that equations and numbers are not only used in exams, but  everyday in our life and that’s why it's important to know the power of mathematics and appreciate that this “boring subject” can create a doorway to new experiences and it can give you the chance to meet tons of new people. What you have to remember is not to always judge things by its cover because you can always find intesting things behind them.

martes, 30 de octubre de 2018

Short story: A light of hope

A light of hope

James saw a light ahead of him and walked towards it. He had been lost for three and a half hours in the middle of the forest, so he was really glad that he had found it. A light of hope. He started walking faster; suddenly he came upon a river and stopped.

He couldn’t go around it and it was too deep to walk through it, so he had no other choice but to dive in and swim across. When he reached the other shore, he realized that the light was moving to the other direction. Not knowing what to do, he started running towards it yelling for help.

Even though he was really tired, he started sprinting. At that moment he noticed the light was coming closer to him. Then, the light was close enough so James could distinguish the faces behind it. It was his parents who were desperately looking for him. When they reencountered they hugged hard and didn’t want to let go.

Victoria, Mercedes, Lucas, and Florencia.

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018

Story: The Worst Trip of my Life

                                       The Worst Trip of my Life

 I was travelling to Canada with my family when it started to rain. It was a terrible and strong storm. Our ship lost the control. I got up at 3 a.m. and our boat was filled with water. The animals started to lose the control too! My family was sleeping in the room, when I went to help them but I couldn`t  because the door was clogged. I went as fast I could because I needed to breathe. The ship was flooding very fast so I took the spare boat and left.  A zebra jumped with me. The big boat was finally sunk. I had lost all my family. No one but me and a few animals had survived. I helped some animals to come to the small boat so we were a zebra, a hyena, an orangutan and me. The hyena ate the zebra and the orangutan. So, she wanted to eat me, but Richard Parker ate her first. Yes, a tiger was in the boat too! I couldn´t believe it. We survived a lot of days together; we survived rains and lack of food. We had to eat lots of fish. We fought some days, we learnt, but we helped each other.

 We were fine when we got to an island with many meerkats. I took all the food that I thought was going to be required. We slept only one night in that place and we set off the following morning. When we got to another island, it was the last time that I saw Richard Parker.
                           “I am going to miss you Richard”. 
He went back to his real place, the jungle.

Later, a group of tourists helped me and took me to my city again. That was the worst trip I have ever had.  Bye, bye Richard.

Morena,  1st C

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018

Story: Summer in Australia

                                    Summer in Australia

              Last summer I went with my family to Australia. We went there because my brother had a volleyball competition which consisted of 5 matches. We also loved the beach,  because we had already been there. Last time we went, we had to come back home earlier because my brother got stung by a venomous jellyfish.

            The day after our arrival we went to the beach. Australian beaches are known for having a lot of dangerous animals: from giant sharks, crocodiles and octopus to tiny jellyfish which can kill you in a few seconds. Due to this, I was terrified by the idea of having an encounter with any type of animals in the sea.

           Finally, I got into the sea. I was surfing when suddenly I saw a big fish coming towards me. I tried to catch a wave to get away but I fell down. At that point I was face to face with the animal. I had already accepted my faith of dying when my brother came out of the surface. At that moment I realized he had dressed up as a shark to scare me.

       It was a really good trip.

Francisco, 2nd B

Story: Mr. Destiny, my pig

Mr. Destiny, my pig

             Once upon a time a beautiful girl was having math lessons at school, suddenly Astor, the bully of the class, shouted “loser” at her. Everybody looked at her and she felt so embarrassed.

              A few minutes later, while she was waiting for the bus home, Astor came and stole Mila’s schoolbag. Inside her bag was her wallet, so she couldn’t take the bus. She walked home, alone, she didn’t know the time because she didn’t have her phone, and the streets were very dark. Mila was scared; she stopped for a minute in a café called “Destiny”. When she entered, a little pig welcomed her

                 “I’m Mr. Destiny, “he said.

            Mila was terrified but stayed in front of him. Mila was pale. Mr. Destiny took something from a little icebox near him. To her surprise, it was her schoolbag.

          She didn’t know why the pig was talking or why her schoolbag was there. The clock alarm rang, it was 6.00am, it was time to get up.

Bernardita, 2do B

Story: Danger in the Forest

Danger in the Forest

It was Monday at 8 pm. I was in the forest collecting some fruits when I suddenly heard leaves cracking. I was really scared, because I knew I was the only person there, anyway I turned my head around and I could not believe what was behind me.

It was a bear, I could not believe my eyes. I was frozen in my place and the bear was frozen too, he was staring at me. I remember that my father would tell me the fear of different animals before I went to sleep, so I knew what to do.

First of all, I started shouting and clapping and the bear started groaning, so I started making more sounds. The bear calmed down so I quickly climbed a tree that was to my left.

The time went by and the bear went away. I picked my phone and called my father. He told me to wait there and he would pick me up. So that was what I did, I had fallen asleep when my father arrived. Then we went back home.

Anon. 2ºB

Essay: Social Media and Teenagers

Social Media and Teenagers
     We agree with the statement that says that the social media is hurting the mental health of teenagers. However, we do not think think it’s affecting us particularly because we do not use our cellphones as much as other people of our same age do.

     We are not the first people to have those thoughts. One of the Co-creators of Facebook acknowledged that they knew their website would be addictive for people. They accomplished this by sending notifications continuously after a determined period of time without using Facebook. Hence, most teenagers have became addicts to this social media which is still one of the greatest in the world.

     Another example locates in South Korea, where addiction to technological devices is placed next to dependence on drugs, gambling and alcohol. They have realized that these apparatuses generate dopamine when not using them. This produces desire to grab it and check the notifications, even though you did not receive any.

     In balance, we have to become conscious of the danger this ‘drug’ is to everyone and repel this desire it causes.

Ignacio and Francisco 2nd “B”

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018

Field trips are more fun than educational. What do you think?

Many people think that field trips are full educational. Have you ever experienced one? I believe they may be both. This is so because it depends on each person’s attitude and interest in the activity.

The first point I would like to make is that this kind of trips helps you get closer to your friends as well as make new ones. Because of this, students can relax and have fun. Another major advantage is that instead of being confined to a classroom, students spend time outdoors, which boosts their motivation and willingness to learn new things.

However, not everyone can easily adapt to this interactive teaching model and it may end up being entirely ineffective.

To sum up, it is clear that it is all about how seriously students may take what the trip offers to them. Most importantly, what really counts is having fun, which is why these activities should be continuously improved.

Belén & Martina     3º  B

The Art class is the best place to express emotions. Do you agree?

How do you express your emotions? Is it through sports, cooking, make-up? Well, a lot of people do it through art, which is the reason why most schools include art classes in their curricula.

In the first place, I think art classes are important because most people our age have not learned how to deal with their emotions. Art teaches them that you can speak through art and turn your feelings into something beautiful. For example, students who struggle with socializing with other people can find a way of expressing themselves in art.

In addition, the art class sometimes makes you understand your emotions.  Analyzing other people’s work makes you understand how they felt while they were doing it, which may help you make sense of what you have been feeling yourself.

Last, but not least, you can find a hidden talent in art. For example, I would not like drawing so much nowadays if I had not been introduced to it when I was a child.

To sum up, I believe the art class is a great place to express and to learn about your emotions.

Martina & Sofía  3º A

Field trips are more fun than educational. What do you think?

Most adults tend to believe that school trips are less educational and more fun for students. Is this true?

I think field trips can be as much educational as fun. For example, you can learn about the culture of the place you are visiting, and doing this with friends is bound to be more entertaining than doing so with your parents.

I can understand why some people may think that this kind of trips is a waste of time and money, however, I must say this is totally wrong. These trips are unforgettable experiences for the students. Also, they might be useful later on in their lives.

In conclusion, field trips are essential for students as they will learn about things which they would probably not be taught in a class. Besides, there is nothing wrong with having fun with friends after a stressful school year.

Rosario & Ayelén  3º A

The Art Class is the best place to express emotions. Do you agree?

Even though Art is well-known for being a space where artists can express their ideas, feelings and emotions, I do disagree with the statement that art classes are the best place to express emotions. For this, I have two reasons. First, in art classes, the focus is more concerned with learning how to draw. Second, you can find more depth of feelings in music.
The reasons why someone would take art classes may vary from one to another but eventually what is expected and taught in such places is to improve your skills. If you then want to do something else with what you have learned, then that is up to you.
In addition, art, in general, is subjective and everyone has his/her own taste. Most of us would agree that it is easier to find the meaning and intentions of artists in their songs than it is on a painting or other work of art. Therefore, if you want to express your emotions, the best and easiest option is through music.
To round this off, art classes are a good space where people can improve their artwork and discover a way to express themselves. However, that does not mean that you necessarily reveal your emotions in those classes or that it is the best place to express them.

Ignacio 3ºC

martes, 16 de octubre de 2018

The Art Class is the best place to express emotions. Do you agree?

Most people think art classes are useless for their children and the do not give much importance to it. However, I believe art classes encourage children to express emotions through their paintings.
To begin with, I would like to put the arguments in favour of the benefits of art classes. A movie character called Isham found it hard to read and write because of dyslexia. Painting, however, allowed him to show everyone he was up to the task and was able to draw and paint like other normal kids.
On the other hand, many people think art classes are boring and a waste of time because they expect their children to attend more important classes such as Mathematics or Science.
Another strong argument is that school principals do not assign art classes as much time as they should. That is why these classes run less important than others.
In my opinion, each subject is important and they all teach a lesson for life.

Nicolás & Nicolás  3°  C

The Art class is the best place to express emotions. Do you agree?

Most people agree that for a better expression of your emotions, attending an art class is the best choice. Despite the fact that there are people against this statement, I will go over some ideas to prove them wrong.
For a start, Art is believed to be a full expression of your mind and personality. No one can come up with the same idea to throw onto a blank piece of canvas. Nobody could be able to portray what is on your mind better than you can. Therefore, art is like an easy path for demonstrating what you are thinking.
Another factor to take into account is the palette of colours you choose to use. Cold shades such as blue, grey and white give more of a sad feeling than warm shades like red, orange or yellow, which picture the opposite, i.e. happiness. Depending on the colours the artist chooses to paint with, we can tell the emotions they want to show.
All of this being said, we can agree an art class is a great place to communicate how you feel and can help people to relate with others’ emotions.

Pilar & Jazmín  3º C

¨What an amazing day! ´Max whispered to himself as he got into bed at night.

In 2010, Max and his best friend Jeff travelled to Africa for a week. They stayed at ¨Ngolo Kante¨hotel. One of those days, they went to the Ÿaya Toure¨ zoo, one of the biggest in Africa. They were looking at all the amazing animals there like monkeys, zebras, elephants, etc. But when they arrived at the lions’ place, something horrible happened…

All the people were looking at a baby lion, but Max could not see it. So he climbed onto the rail to have a better view of it.  Unfortunately, to everybody’s horror, Max fell down into the cage. The lions started looking at him defiantly. The baby lion walked towards him. Max thought it would attack him, but the baby lion started playing with him as Max stroked it. A few moments later, the zookeepers took him out.

Eventually, they went back to their hotel. Max was amazed but also tired. ¨What an amazing day! ´Max whispered to himself as he got into bed at night.

Felipe & Juan Bautista    2º A
Short Story
‘What an amazing day!’ Max whispered to himself as he got into bed that night.

It was a windy and freezing day, in Switzerland. Max, who was Tania´s elder brother, was sitting next to the window when he caught a glimpse of an unusual owl. Since that moment, this would always happen to him, while his sister seemed to be in the bathroom.
Max´s intrigue about this species of bird grew bigger and bigger, so he decided to do some research and read more about its origin. However, no strange information was found.
It had been three days since he had last seen this creature. This occurred simultaneously with the disappearance of his sister. Max was overwrought so he decided to look for her.
On the way, he felt completely alone and hopeless. The sun was setting, it was getting darker and I felt very cold. Suddenly, on the horizon, he stared at an intense brightness. Once he had followed it, he arrived at a cave where he saw something extraordinary. At first, he was confused but then he could contemplate the beauty of heaven.
It was his sister, who was turning into a special owl! God had given her a gift that allowed Max’s sister to connect with their mother, who had passed away a few days before.
Finally, they went home happy and grateful to have each other. ‘What an amazing day!’ Max whispered to himself as he got into bed that night.

Josefina & Josefina   2º A

Max and his parents went on a wildlife Safari in Africa. Max still remembers this trip as the one when he saved his family.
It was seven o´clock in the morning when they set off to the most famous Safari trip in South Africa called Pumba Game and Reserve, where this story happened. As soon as they arrived there, they met their ranger called Thomas who belonged to the Tcousas African tribe. After two hours in the car looking at the animals, they got off for a short walk in the woods. It was then when they heard a loud roar. Next, a huge lion jumped from the woods and attacked their dear ranger, who at first sight Max had liked. Max and his family quickly picked up Thomas and took him to the car while the lion was looking for them. Max´s father told him to drive the car back to the office while he assisted Thomas.
When they finally arrived, Thomas was taken to a doctor and the safari´s agency staff gave Max a gold medal. ´What an amazing day´ Max whispered to himself as he got into bed.

 Franco & Federico  2º A

Writing: We will soon be able to go on holidays in space Holidays in space sound like a really great idea if you are looking for somet...