miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018

The Art Class is the best place to express emotions. Do you agree?

Even though Art is well-known for being a space where artists can express their ideas, feelings and emotions, I do disagree with the statement that art classes are the best place to express emotions. For this, I have two reasons. First, in art classes, the focus is more concerned with learning how to draw. Second, you can find more depth of feelings in music.
The reasons why someone would take art classes may vary from one to another but eventually what is expected and taught in such places is to improve your skills. If you then want to do something else with what you have learned, then that is up to you.
In addition, art, in general, is subjective and everyone has his/her own taste. Most of us would agree that it is easier to find the meaning and intentions of artists in their songs than it is on a painting or other work of art. Therefore, if you want to express your emotions, the best and easiest option is through music.
To round this off, art classes are a good space where people can improve their artwork and discover a way to express themselves. However, that does not mean that you necessarily reveal your emotions in those classes or that it is the best place to express them.

Ignacio 3ºC

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