martes, 16 de octubre de 2018

Short Story
‘What an amazing day!’ Max whispered to himself as he got into bed that night.

It was a windy and freezing day, in Switzerland. Max, who was Tania´s elder brother, was sitting next to the window when he caught a glimpse of an unusual owl. Since that moment, this would always happen to him, while his sister seemed to be in the bathroom.
Max´s intrigue about this species of bird grew bigger and bigger, so he decided to do some research and read more about its origin. However, no strange information was found.
It had been three days since he had last seen this creature. This occurred simultaneously with the disappearance of his sister. Max was overwrought so he decided to look for her.
On the way, he felt completely alone and hopeless. The sun was setting, it was getting darker and I felt very cold. Suddenly, on the horizon, he stared at an intense brightness. Once he had followed it, he arrived at a cave where he saw something extraordinary. At first, he was confused but then he could contemplate the beauty of heaven.
It was his sister, who was turning into a special owl! God had given her a gift that allowed Max’s sister to connect with their mother, who had passed away a few days before.
Finally, they went home happy and grateful to have each other. ‘What an amazing day!’ Max whispered to himself as he got into bed that night.

Josefina & Josefina   2º A

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