miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018

The Art class is the best place to express emotions. Do you agree?

How do you express your emotions? Is it through sports, cooking, make-up? Well, a lot of people do it through art, which is the reason why most schools include art classes in their curricula.

In the first place, I think art classes are important because most people our age have not learned how to deal with their emotions. Art teaches them that you can speak through art and turn your feelings into something beautiful. For example, students who struggle with socializing with other people can find a way of expressing themselves in art.

In addition, the art class sometimes makes you understand your emotions.  Analyzing other people’s work makes you understand how they felt while they were doing it, which may help you make sense of what you have been feeling yourself.

Last, but not least, you can find a hidden talent in art. For example, I would not like drawing so much nowadays if I had not been introduced to it when I was a child.

To sum up, I believe the art class is a great place to express and to learn about your emotions.

Martina & Sofía  3º A

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