jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018

Story: Danger in the Forest

Danger in the Forest

It was Monday at 8 pm. I was in the forest collecting some fruits when I suddenly heard leaves cracking. I was really scared, because I knew I was the only person there, anyway I turned my head around and I could not believe what was behind me.

It was a bear, I could not believe my eyes. I was frozen in my place and the bear was frozen too, he was staring at me. I remember that my father would tell me the fear of different animals before I went to sleep, so I knew what to do.

First of all, I started shouting and clapping and the bear started groaning, so I started making more sounds. The bear calmed down so I quickly climbed a tree that was to my left.

The time went by and the bear went away. I picked my phone and called my father. He told me to wait there and he would pick me up. So that was what I did, I had fallen asleep when my father arrived. Then we went back home.

Anon. 2ºB

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