miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018

Speeches 4th year Marina Mayor

Connections, conspiracy or just coincidence

Members: Martin, Vicky and Sol.
Course: 4C

Are nature and the world where we live governed by a mathematical order? Are they the product of chance? Or both things? There are a series of numbers that appear and reappear in the order of things through the universe that we know. Nature, Architecture, Music, Art, Human body. Do they follow some sort of rules or are they just random? Today we are going to analyze one sequence of numbers which received the name of Fibonacci Sequence. This will help us to understand ourselves and everything that surrounds us.

Now we are going to talk about two main points: The Calculation and the application of this magic numbers. From the standpoint of calculation is easy to understand: as
1 + 1 is 2, 1 + 2 is 3, 2 + 3 is 5, 3 + 5 is 8, 5 + 8 is 13, 8 + 13 is 21 and so on.
Talking about applications, Fibonacci numbers appear surprisingly often. The reproduction of bunnies is a typical example of this sequence.
So, first, we have to imagine that these rabbits always produce one male and one female offspring, that they can reproduce once every month when they are least one month old and hey never die. At the beginning of the first month these newborns are too young to reproduce so we begin the second month with the same pair. In the third month, the pair is mature enough to have a new pair. So, at the beginning of the fourth month we have a total of three pairs of rabbits and in the fifth month, there are five pairs of rabbits.
At this point we could explain to you the theory behind this theme but what we really want is for you to known the essential parts and one of them is the golden ratio. Also known as phi, the divine proportion, is nature perfect proportion for bringing parts together. It is manifested as the ratio 1.618 to 1.0 in the golden rectangle, the golden spiral and star, and in the ratio between the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence. Remember this number 1,618 because is the connection of all the thing that surrounds us. The golden ratio not only has to do with math but with life, to the spirals of galaxies to hurricane, ocean, waves, flower petals and even shells. It is the pattern of life.
Previously, I told you that this number is manifested in the golden rectangle. This means that when you divide two consecutive numbers of the sequence you get a number around 1,618 and the key to explain that this rectangle’s proportions are: side a divided by side b is equal 1,618. These proportions can be found in our credit cards, in the parthenon and in the Mona Lisa.
But this doesn’t just end here, the proportions of our bodies, beauty, ancient structures, music that goes all the way from Mozart's symphonies up to The Beatles and the greatest video of all time Michael Jackson “Thriller”. Can you believe it? Everything that surrounds us has a reason why bigger than we can ever imagine.
Although it seems too amazing to be true these connections are in every single corner of Nature. One clear example of this phenomenon is that the number of petals of a flower are usually a number of the Fibonacci sequence. Awesome right? On the other hand, we have the shells that are not only the home of multiple snails and some pretty souvenirs that we take from the beach but they are also a famous example used to explain this sequence. From the animals to the ocean, waves have been mathematically proved and diagrammed into a plot of the numbers 1,1,2,3,5 and so on. Even in our bones, we can find this mathematical theory, just by looking at your fingers we can find some symmetric properties. It’s all about looking carefully.

For many people, maths is only about abstract things and random numbers with no purpose at all, well or just to kill us from boredom. But we really need to start looking at the bigger picture. Trust us, we have been in the same position and now we realize that this silly topic is literally the connection that we have towards the world. So, we are just wondering… What are you thinking right now and what are you willing to do with all the knowledge as overwhelming as it may be which is the key of the balance, beauty, and harmony of everything we know.

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