viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

“We will soon be able to go on holidays in space”

            Space trips are likely to be possible some time in the future. It will be an amazing experience but not everybody may want to do it because ordinary activities we do on Earth can´t be done at space.
            In the first place, travelling to space won’t be cheap because it would include special food, maintenance of the spaceship, astronomy classes and activities in space. Also, the trip would be long, so all the resources will have to last longer.
            Secondly, having holidays in space would have disadvantages for health. One risk is the absence of oxygen in the spaceship or people in space may run out of it. Another risk would be the rocket’s take off because usually, rockets have accidents in that situation.
            Thirdly, holidays in space would be boring because you won’t have your friends and you would be only with your family or even alone. Also, you might get bored of doing only indoor activities because most of the time you would be in space, you would be inside the spaceship.
            To sum up, we believe some people would want to spend their holidays in space but only rich people. It would be an amazing experience, although, it may have some risks.

Santiago                                                    Lola                                                       Tobías
2 Year C

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Writing: We will soon be able to go on holidays in space Holidays in space sound like a really great idea if you are looking for somet...