viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

Pupils: Simon-Martin-Juan

Nowadays technology, in general, has been developing very quickly. However, the crucial question is if really want to take part of these new types.
  To begin with, these trips to space are going to be extremely expensive. Also you’d need to get the tickets a year in advance. Due to its cost probably the trip would be made once a year. As we see it, people won’t be likely to be interested in a few years’ time because of its high cost specially.
  We shouldn’t forget that space is a dangerous place too. Even staying out there can be risky. Just think about all the asteroids that are in space, which can collide and bring about casualties. Another possibility can be poor maintenance of the ship so that oxygen can escape even if the staff reinforces the ship.
  To sum up, the fact of turning space journey into a touristic activity isn’t that practical and would take years to get them as something for granted.

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